HomeArt76-Year-Old Woman Walking 754 Miles from Chicago to Montgomery for Justice

76-Year-Old Woman Walking 754 Miles from Chicago to Montgomery for Justice

Rachelle Zola in the heart of her pilgrimage – walking and performing her one-woman show, LATE: a Love Story

CHICAGO, June 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Rachelle Zola, a 76-year-old woman, embarked on a profound pilgrimage on April 2, 2024, walking from Chicago, Illinois, to Montgomery, Alabama. She has walked more than 400 of 754 miles, while engaging in dialogue with hundreds of people about ending racism in America today and performing her one-woman show, LATE: a Love Story

In a post-George Floyd, DEI-allergic world, where does America’s national reckoning with racism live? How do we make space for everyone’s story during a contentious election year? What is the ongoing role of allies and advocates?